Stock, Art & Architecture

Werk No. 14: 3 Cap.

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CLANG / FUJIMOTO, Yasushi & CHAN, Theseus
Singapore, Work
US$ 450.00
Folio [29.6 x 22 cm]. Unpaginated. Spine title in English, Chinese, and Japanese. A crisp copy; front and rear 'covers' with slight wear, extending into a few leaves at rear. Extremely rare issue of this Singaporean avante-garde publication which appeared roughly semi-annually beginning in 2000 under the direction of Theseus Chan, sometimes called the 'Godfather of Singaporean graphic design'. The present issue was printed without covers, deliberately exposing it to the elements and rendering it "particularly susceptible to wear and tear" according to the 'clothing tag' bound in at the rear. Each issue was printed in a run of only 800 to 1,000 and are rarely encountered in commerce. The MOMA holds, for example, only Nos. 8, 10, and 13.