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Vero disegno, e dichiarazione dello stendardo reale preso al Gran Visir nella presente battaglia, e mandato alla santità di nostro signore papa Innocenzo XII da sua maestà cesarea. Roma festeggiante per la gloriosissima vittoria ottenuta a' 19. d' Agosto

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[Ottoman Silk Flag].
Rome, Giovanni Francesco Buagni for Francesco Leone,
US$ 1,500.00
4to. 4 pp. With a large woodcut on the title-page. Bound in modern half vellum with papered boards using a red and black Greek liturgical print. Extremely rare description of the silk flag of Grand Vizier Köprülüzade Fazil Mustafa Pasha, captured by the Imperial Army at the Battle of Slankamen (near Belgrade) on 19 August 1691, and its magnificent entrance to Rome, where the victorious Margrave Louis of Baden-Baden (nicknamed "Türkenlouis") sent his prize in triumph as a gift to the Pope, followed by three-day festivities. The flag is pictured by a large woodcut on the title-page. A slight propaganda pamphlet printed on a single bifolium, it contains, in fact, a surprisingly long text of some 2,500 words squeezed into merely three pages in small type. The green brocade flag ensemble, studded with gold, silver, and gems and bearing the embroidered Shahada in Arabic, is described in detail: "E' questo stendardo di color verde, con una striscia di brocato d'oro rosso [...] La palla grande è di argento dorato con due bellissimi rubini nel mezo [...] E poi nella striscia, che attraversa tutto lo stendardo, che è tre teli per lo lungo, vi sono le seguenti parole in lingua Arabica tessute d'oro, a ogni telo le stesse: Non vi è Dio, che un solo Dio, Maometto Apostolo di Dio [...]". - Trimmed rather closely at the outer edge, barely touching the woodcut with partial loss of a single letter in the title. Neatly remargined; the inside of the bifolium (pp. 2-3) is covered with Japanese paper for conservation and reinforcement, preserving legibility. Only four copies known in libraries worldwide, only one outside Italy (Biblioteca Casanatense; Accademia dei Lincei; Raccolta delle Stampe Bertarelli, Milano; Bibliothèque nationale de France). Apponyi 1432. ICCU RMLE\058819. OCLC 1002770839. S. Nanni, "Des cérémonies pour la 'guerre juste'", in: B. Dompnier (ed.), Les cérémonies extraordinaires du catholicisme baroque (2009), pp. 183-206, here at p. 201f. Not in Ruggieri.