Stock, The Hispanic World

…Una espada forjada en taller de la república…

BRAVO, Nicolás
Mexico City, Secretaria de Guerra y Marina, Seccion 5a
US$ 250.00
HANDBILL ANNOUNCING THE PRESENTATION OF A 'SWORD OF HONOR' TO THE MEXICAN HERO NICOLAS BRAVO. After attempting a failed insurrection, Vice-President Bravo was forced into exile in South American in 1827 but was pardoned and allowed to return to Mexico in 1829. In recognition of his efforts fighting ex-President Guerrero in the south of the country, Congress under the conservative regime of Anastasio Bustamante authorized the presentation of a 'sword of honor' to Bravo on the 15th February 1831. Ultimately, Bravo would go on to serve as President on three separate occasions between 1839-1846. The only other copy we have traced resides at UC San Diego (their copy folded into a quarto pamphlet, but pp. 2-4 blank); Yale University holds a larger-format broadside on a similar subject