Stock, The Hispanic World

Panegirico de Maria Santisima Nuestra Señora bajo del Augusto Titulo del Rosario, o de la Victoria. Impreso… con el objeto de que esta Sacrosanta Devocion se reanime en nuestra America, y que libertandose por ella de sus enemigos los filosofos impios, her

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CASTRO Y BARROS, Pedro Ignacio
Buenos Aires, Imprenta Republicana
US$ 350.00
SECOND RECORDED COPY OF AN ARGENTINIAN TREATISE AGAINST THE "IMPIOUS PHILOSOPHERS, HERETICS, AND ANARCHISTS". Small 4to. [18 x 13.2 cm]. (4), 5-69, (1). Bound in modern marbled wrappers. Crisp and fresh. Very rare sole edition of this treatise on the practice of the Rosary, printed (according to the title-page) "with the object of reviving this Sacred Devotion in our America, and by it liberating us from its enemies the impious philisophers, heretics, and anarchists". OCLC shows just one copy worldwide, at Dayton.