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Missale Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum / Missae propriae Sanctorum…

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PICCINI, Jacopo (engr.) / URBAN VIII
Venice, Nicolo Pezzana / Baglioni
US$ 850.00
A MAGNIFICENT ROMAN MISSAL WITH FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS. Folios [35 x 24.5 cm]. (32), 399 pp, (1), lxvi [of lxx] pp. Printed in red and black throughout, and including finely-engraved title-page signed 'Piccini', further engraving on p. 178, and 3 full-page woodcuts in text, as well as hundreds of large woodcut initials. [bound with] Missae Propriae Sanctorum... Venice: Baglioni, 1730. 24 pp, with tyographical slip pasted onto p. 24 to add in a further feast for San Giovanni a Facundo; and bound with further, individually-printed supplemental sheets for the feasts of Catherine of Siena, Margaret of Cortona, Felice of Cantalicio, Aloysius Gonzaga, Pope Leo, Isidoro, the Virgin Mary, Angela Merici, Francis Caracciolo, Jerome Emiliani, Camillo de Lellis, Bishop Emygdius, Jeanne-Francoise Fremiot de Chantal, Joseph Calasancti, Joseph of Cupertino, John Cantius, and Blessed Leonard of Port Maurice. Bound together in contemporary calf with gilt trim, rather rubbed; contents collated and well-preserved. This edition unrecorded in OCLC; ICCU shows just one copy.