Stock, Illustrated

La Scoperta dell’ Indie Occidentali fatta da Cristoforo Colombo. Accennata in Rima da Nicodemo Lermil.

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LERMIL, Nicodemo
Italy, no printer
ca. 1815-1830
US$ 450.00
AN UNRECORDED BROADSIDE POEM ON COLUMBUS. Broadside [23.5 x 17 cm] on laid paper. With a small woodcut vignette of Columbus on recto. Untraced, evocative broadside poem celebrating Columbus’ voyage to the New World, evidently printed for a popular audience. The only hint of a date is in the line “Che tre secoli dopo si canti”, but the document appears to date to the first quarter of the 19th century in any case. The text romantically captures the terror and excitement of Columbus and his ‘220 men’: in the beginning of the voyage, “Sono i cibi corrotti, e mancanti / A cagion dell’estremo calore; / Della sete ad estinguer l’ardore / Anche l’acqua a mancar comincio…”, but at last: “Land, land, they all repeated; Land, land, rumbles each voice… Now they see the mountains, and the meadows, Plentiful arbors, of herbs, and of Flowers, And of birds of various colors, Surprising pleasures, and amazement….”. This item is wholly unrecorded in OCLC and the Italian Union Catalog. OCLC does record, however, a handful of other titles under the pseudonym ‘Nicodemo Lermil’, mostly dated between 1810-1834.