Stock, Art & Architecture

El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha [...]. Nueva edicion corregida por la Real Academia España.

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EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN OF MEXICO'S COPY. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de.
Madrid: Don Joaquín Ibarra for the Real Academia,
US$ 55,000.00
4to (295 x 220 mm). 4 vols. including additional engraved title-pages, portrait of the author, 31 engraved plates after various artists, and 1 double-page engraved map. Bound in contemporary mottled sheep, richly gilt with tooled borders and spines and with red morocco title labels. Sympathetically restored with later endpapers. With the bookplate of the executed Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian, on pastedown. Additional bookplate of Laurent Veydt (1800-77, Belgian Minister of Finance), as well as letter recording the presentation of the these volumes to Jules Malou (1810-86, Belgian Prime Minister) in 1876.